
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 06:54:29PM +0200, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> On 2016-09-19 18:37, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
> >The closest I can get is "foo in RR". This fails for CC(2.3, 0), but I
> >consider that to be a real number.
> I would say it's a complex number which happens to have a real value. But it
> is not a real number. It's the difference between *coercion* and
> *conversion*.

My favourite is "in RealField(2)" just in case you fall into something
with smaller precision. But if you prefer to work with coercion, then you
should first remove SR(2.3) and 2*pi from your first list, and you could
do something like:

is_real = lambda self: 
get_coercion_model().common_parent(self.parent(),RealField(2)) is RealField(2)


> But anyway, your answer might be good enough for my use case.
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