leif wrote:
> Erik Bray wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 2016-08-30 19:44, leif wrote:
>>>> Anyway, our current policy is that *only* the release manager is allowed
>>>> to close tickets, so I wouldn't do without first asking.
>>> I have the "power" to close tickets, but I don't do that because of this
>>> reason. The only exceptions are tickets which are obviously mistakes or
>>> spam.
>> I think it' should be fine to close tickets so long as it's already
>> been signed off on as close-able in some sense or another.
> Well, we once had release notes...
> .... where also tickets closed (but not merged) within the current
> release cycle were listed.
> Since duplicate/invalid/wontfix is a *milestone* (!), it's not easy to
> recover these when they've already been closed.  In fact, also
> duplicates were closed /after/ the other ticket(s) fixing an issue had
> been merged and released.

P.S.:  I of course meant "duplicates" in the sense of being superseded
by another ticket, not such reporting exactly the same issue.  Still,
also positively reviewed /true/ duplicates were closed by the release
manager, after releasing the next "stable" release.


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