Dear Nils, 

Thanks very much for your detailed and thoughtful reply. 



On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 5:37:21 PM UTC-4, Nils Bruin wrote:
> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 1:43:30 PM UTC-7, Joseph Hundley wrote:
>> There are two reasons I was planning to have AbstractAlgebraicGroup be 
>> UniqueRepresentation
>> (1) The passage in this tutorial 
>> <>
>>  which 
>> reads
> <snip>
> It really depends on what you need to do to construct the parent. In most 
> cases, you just end up storing some of the construction parameters. Reusing 
> parents that were already constructed can save some memory, but the usual 
> pattern is that you construct only a few parents, which get naturally 
> passed around anyway. Reusing a parent that is handed to you is obviously 
> much more efficient than reusing a parent by trying to get a hold of it via 
> its construction parameters.So if you need UniqueRepresentation to limit 
> the number of parents in memory, it's probably a good idea to think of ways 
> of restructuring your computation (there may be cases where you can't, 
> though).
> Using UniqueRepresentation does force a upfront cost, though: construction 
> parameters need to be processed so that they can be used for lookup in a 
> global dictionary to see if equivalent parameters have already been used to 
> construct such an object, and then this lookup needs to happen. In many 
> scenarios this search will come up empty, in which case you've just 
> incurred a cost without a direct gain. So whether UniqueRepresentation is a 
> performance gainer really depends on the scenario. Most of the time it is 
> not, so I'd say the rationale given in the tutorial is misleading.
>  UniqueRepresentation is needed in the coercion framework: If two 
> different sources produce polynomials in Q[x,y], the user would expect to 
> be able to combine them because they look indistinguishable to the user. In 
> the coercion framework it turned out to be much more efficient if the 
> parents of those two polynomials ARE indeed equal. The construction 
> parameters in this case are indeed easy to compare because it's just 
> (Q,('x','y')), where Q is a UniqueRepresentation itself, so you can 
> recognize it by identity itself.
> As a consequence, if you're implementing a ring type that itself is likely 
> to be used as a base ring for a polynomial ring (or matrices etc.), you 
> should probably try to make it UniqueRepresentation. But otherwise it's not 
> immediately clear you'll be getting a benefit from it.
> (2) It seems to me to make sense mathematically, since, mathematically 
>> speaking, the split connected reductive algebraic group with based root 
>> datum B is a unique mathematical object. 
> Yes, but in what category? and is it unique up to unique isomorphism?
>> I admit I don't understand the "cost" of "non-locality"? Can you point me 
>> somewhere I could read up on relevant issues? Are there rules of thumb for 
>> when parents should and should not be UniqueRepresentation?
> A possible example of the risks you run:
>  Suppose
> K=NumberField(<something large>)
> K.compute_classgroup( method="heuristic and conditional") #[*]
> <do stuff, delete K. Suppose K is not yet garbage collected>
> L=NumberField(<same thing>) #this will now get you K back!!!
> L.classgroup() #suppose this gets you the class group cached on L, i.e., 
> the one computed at [*]
> alternatively, if K had been garbage collected already
> L=NumberField(<same thing>) #this is now a fresh version
> L.classgroup() #no classgroup info cached, you trigger (unconditional) 
> computation.
> The fact that your result is now dependent on what happened to be in 
> memory is of course very bad. It makes your system unreliable. That means 
> that this pattern of "implement a computation routine that can use several 
> heuristics" combined with "use by default whatever is cached" cannot be 
> applied to UniqueRepresentation objects, because obviously, caching 
> heuristic computation results modifies the state of your object in a 
> noticeable way. UniqueRepresentation object need to take their immutability 
> quite seriously.
> In a different direction: is there a good place to read about how to make 
>> something be hashable or implement _cache_key()?
> Hashing in mathematics in general is hard, because you need a==b implies 
> hash(a)==hash(b), and at the same time you need that a!=b usually implies 
> hash(a)!=hash(b).
> Due to coercion we can't actually do that:
> and it depends on what you want "a==b" to mean in your category whether 
> it's easy to decide and whether you can find a function Category -> [-2^63 
> .. 2^63-1] that's not too constant and respects the "==" equivalence.
> There are categories in which we know that "a==b" in general is 
> undecidable. It may be easy for BasedRootDatum (it certainly is in your 
> reference implementation :-)).

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