On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 12:13:08 PM UTC-4, Joseph Hundley wrote:
> On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 10:53:10 AM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 3:41:07 PM UTC+1, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
>>> Your email is quite vague (for example, what is "version 16821")? 
>>> I guess it's the current branch on 
>> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16821
>> Yes. Exactly. 
> Right. So, I ran 
> git reset --hard HEAD
> make clean
> make doc-clean
> and am now back to a state where make works. 
> hundleymac:sage jahundle$ git status
> On branch develop
> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
>> Normally speaking, you want to continue working on this ticket on the 
>> current beta (although 7.4.beta0 is a bit
>> broken, as happens with some betas).
>> That is, you should rebase the branch over 7.4.beta0
>> I.e., 
>> git checkout -b new16821 7.4.beta0
> fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'new16821' at the same 
> time.
> Did you intend to checkout '7.4.beta0' which can not be resolved as commit?
> To get around this issue I just did

git checkout -b new16821

hundleymac:sage jahundle$ git status

On branch develop

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean


>> git fetch trac public/lie_algebras/classical-16821
>> git merge FETCH_HEAD
>> (the latter may require further actions, be alert...
these commands now work.  There were a few files to merge. I used git 
mergetool and the Apple Developer program FileMerge, plus a little by-hand 

make produced


cd ../.. && sage-logger -p './sage --docbuild --no-pdf-links all html ' 

[dochtml] Traceback (most recent call last):

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 
151, in _run_module_as_main

[dochtml]     mod_name, loader, code, fname = _get_module_details(mod_name)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 
109, in _get_module_details

[dochtml]     return _get_module_details(pkg_main_name)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 
101, in _get_module_details

[dochtml]     loader = get_loader(mod_name)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/pkgutil.py", line 
464, in get_loader

[dochtml]     return find_loader(fullname)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/pkgutil.py", line 
474, in find_loader

[dochtml]     for importer in iter_importers(fullname):

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/pkgutil.py", line 
430, in iter_importers

[dochtml]     __import__(pkg)

[dochtml]   File 
line 22, in <module>

[dochtml]     import sage.all

[dochtml]   File 
"/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/all.py", line 
112, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.algebras.all   import *

[dochtml]   File 
line 22, in <module>

[dochtml]     import sage.algebras.catalog as algebras

[dochtml]   File 
line 51, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.algebras.free_algebra import FreeAlgebra as Free

[dochtml]   File 
line 138, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.algebras.free_algebra_element import 

[dochtml]   File 
line 39, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.combinat.free_module import 

[dochtml]   File 
line 29, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.categories.all import Category, Sets, 

[dochtml]   File 
line 1

[dochtml]     \from __future__ import absolute_import

[dochtml]                                           ^

[dochtml] SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation 

make[2]: *** [doc-html] Error 1

make[1]: *** [all] Error 2

real 0m7.891s

user 0m4.979s

sys 0m1.536s


Error building Sage.

The following package(s) may have failed to build (not necessarily

during this run of 'make all'):

* package: sagelib-7.3.beta2

  log file: /Users/jahundle/sage/logs/pkgs/sagelib-7.3.beta2.log

  build directory: 

The build directory may contain configuration files and other potentially

helpful information. WARNING: if you now run 'make' again, the build

directory will, by default, be deleted. Set the environment variable

SAGE_KEEP_BUILT_SPKGS to 'yes' to prevent this.

make: *** [all] Error 1

hundleymac:sage jahundle$ make doc-clean


real 0m0.033s

user 0m0.018s

sys 0m0.013s

Sage build/upgrade complete!

hundleymac:sage jahundle$ make


cd ../.. && sage-logger -p './sage --docbuild --no-pdf-links all html ' 

[dochtml] Traceback (most recent call last):

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 
151, in _run_module_as_main

[dochtml]     mod_name, loader, code, fname = _get_module_details(mod_name)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 
109, in _get_module_details

[dochtml]     return _get_module_details(pkg_main_name)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 
101, in _get_module_details

[dochtml]     loader = get_loader(mod_name)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/pkgutil.py", line 
464, in get_loader

[dochtml]     return find_loader(fullname)

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/pkgutil.py", line 
474, in find_loader

[dochtml]     for importer in iter_importers(fullname):

[dochtml]   File "/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python/pkgutil.py", line 
430, in iter_importers

[dochtml]     __import__(pkg)

[dochtml]   File 
line 22, in <module>

[dochtml]     import sage.all

[dochtml]   File 
"/Users/jahundle/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/all.py", line 
112, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.algebras.all   import *

[dochtml]   File 
line 22, in <module>

[dochtml]     import sage.algebras.catalog as algebras

[dochtml]   File 
line 51, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.algebras.free_algebra import FreeAlgebra as Free

[dochtml]   File 
line 138, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.algebras.free_algebra_element import 

[dochtml]   File 
line 39, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.combinat.free_module import 

[dochtml]   File 
line 29, in <module>

[dochtml]     from sage.categories.all import Category, Sets, 

[dochtml]   File 
line 1

[dochtml]     \from __future__ import absolute_import

[dochtml]                                           ^

[dochtml] SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation 

make[2]: *** [doc-html] Error 1

make[1]: *** [all] Error 2

real 0m5.515s

user 0m3.097s

sys 0m1.287s


Error building Sage.

The following package(s) may have failed to build (not necessarily

during this run of 'make all'):

* package: sagelib-7.3.beta2

  log file: /Users/jahundle/sage/logs/pkgs/sagelib-7.3.beta2.log

  build directory: 

The build directory may contain configuration files and other potentially

helpful information. WARNING: if you now run 'make' again, the build

directory will, by default, be deleted. Set the environment variable

SAGE_KEEP_BUILT_SPKGS to 'yes' to prevent this.

make: *** [all] Error 1

Here's the end of the log file 


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "setup.py", line 67, in <module>

    include_dirs = sage_include_directories(use_sources=True)

  File "/Users/jahundle/sage/src/sage/env.py", line 172, in 

    import os, numpy

ImportError: No module named numpy


Error building the Sage library


Please email sage-devel (http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel)

explaining the problem and including the relevant part of the log file


Describe your computer, operating system, etc.


make[3]: *** [sage] Error 1


>>> As long as you're not checking out a very old version of Sage, running 
>>> "make" should work except maybe in docbuilding. If docbuilding fails, 
>>> then "make doc-clean; make" should work. 
>>> Could you give more details with the *exact* commands that you ran with 
>>> the *exact* output that those commands produced? 

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