leif wrote:
> (Quoted message copied from wrong/original thread.)
> Francois Bissey wrote:
>> sage-on-gentoo builds with gmp instead of mpir. There are a few doctests
>> failing as a consequence but sage works. In fact the last ecl upgrade
>> I pushed was partly to remove noise as I had to upgrade ecl in
>> sage-on-gentoo to deal with some gmp/ecl issues. Currently I have gmp
> 6.1.1..
> Currently retrying with GMP 6.1.1 (and GCC 5.4), too; I'll presumably
> open a ticket to upgrade Sage's GMP package.
>> The failing doctests are
>> sage -t --long /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/libecm.pyx
>  # 1 doctest failed
>> I had an interesting discussion wit Paul Zimmerman of gmp-ecm and I think
>> the doctest should be changed for that case.
> I'll see...
>> sage -t --long
> /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/integer.pyx  # 1 doctest
> failed
>> sage -t --long /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/ext/memory.pyx
>  # 1 doctest failed
>> gmp and mpir report errors differently. There is not much we can do
> for these two but they
>> are not about mathematical output.
> Hmmm, I *think* we can mark them '# optional -- mpir' (and add modified
> copies with '# optional -- gmp').

This is what I get with GMP 6.1.1 (Sage 7.3.rc0, GCC 5.4.0):

sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx  #
Killed due to abort
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/sage/rings/integer.pyx  # 1 doctest
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/sage/homology/simplicial_complex.py
 # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/doc/en/developer/coding_in_other.rst
 # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2
src/doc/en/constructions/algebraic_geometry.rst  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/sage/matrix/matrix_double_dense.pyx
 # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/sage/libs/libecm.pyx  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --warn-long 68.2 src/sage/ext/memory.pyx  # 1 doctest failed

(Haven't tried to change any doctests yet.  Again, the failure in
src/sage/matrix/matrix_double_dense.pyx is just the usual numeric noise,
cf. #21119.)

The backtraces for src/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx are horribly long,
but in the stack backtrace there is:

#6  0x00007f7861f7c390 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x00007f7854dfa84b in NTL::TerminalError (s=s@entry=0x7f7854e24a1f
"InvMod: inverse undefined") at tools.c:25
No locals.
#8  0x00007f7854d106a6 in InvModError (msg=0x7f7854e24a1f "InvMod:
inverse undefined") at ../include/NTL/tools.h:558
No locals.
#9  NTL::InvMod (a=<optimized out>, n=244) at ZZ.c:353

and we have:

Cython backtrace
#0  0x00007f7862967430 in waitpid()
#1  0x00007f785dec5eb0 in print_enhanced_backtrace()at
#2  0x00007f785dec6680 in sigdie()at
#3  0x00007f785dec8f70 in cysigs_signal_handler()at
#4  0x00007f78629678f0 in __restore_rt()
#5  0x00007f7862967790 in raise()
#6  0x00007f7861f7c210 in abort()
#7  0x00007f7854dfa820 in NTL::TerminalError()at
#8  0x00007f7854d1069a in InvModError()at
#9  0x00007f7854da1870 in NTL::InvMod()at
#10 0x00007f7854da3136 in inv()at
#11 0x00007f7854da30d0 in NTL::PlainRem()at
#12 0x00007f7854da6530 in NTL::rem()at
#13 0x00007f7854db1990 in NTL::GCD()at
#14 0x00007f72791f27c7 in GCD()at
   739    void GCD(zz_pX& x, const zz_pX& a, const zz_pX& b);
   740    // x = GCD(a, b),  x is always monic (or zero if a==b==0).
   742    inline zz_pX GCD(const zz_pX& a, const zz_pX& b)
>  743       { zz_pX x; GCD(x, a, b); NTL_OPT_RETURN(zz_pX, x); }
   746    void XGCD(zz_pX& d, zz_pX& s, zz_pX& t, const zz_pX& a, const
zz_pX& b);
   747    // d = gcd(a,b), a s + b t = d
#15 0x00007f72791f2737 in gcd_univar_ntlp()at
#16 0x00007f72791f1cb0 in gcd_poly_p()at
#17 0x00007f72791f1a70 in gcd_poly()at
#18 0x00007f72791f3340 in gcd()at
#19 0x00007f72791f56f0 in cf_content()at
#20 0x00007f785d9a7a10 in content()at
#21 0x00007f785d9a7a10 in content()at
#22 0x00007f727921f170 in EZGCD_P()at
#23 0x00007f72791f1a70 in gcd_poly()at
#24 0x00007f72791f5bf0 in chinrem_gcd()at
#25 0x00007f72791f1a70 in gcd_poly()at
#26 0x00007f72791f3340 in gcd()at
#27 0x00007f727906e6e0 in singclap_gcd_r()at
#28 0x00007f727906eab0 in singclap_gcd()at
#29 0x00007f727865e2c0 in
  36954     *         if _ring!=currRing: rChangeCurrRing(_ring)  #
  36955     *         _res = singclap_gcd(p_Copy(self._poly, _ring),
p_Copy(_right._poly, _ring))             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  36956     *         if count >= 20:
  36957     *             sig_off()
  36958     */
> 36959      __pyx_v__res = singclap_gcd(p_Copy(__pyx_v_self->_poly,
__pyx_v__ring), p_Copy(__pyx_v__right->_poly, __pyx_v__ring));
  36961      /*
  36962     *         if _ring!=currRing: rChangeCurrRing(_ring)  #
  36963     *         _res = singclap_gcd(p_Copy(self._poly, _ring),
p_Copy(_right._poly, _ring))

so libsingular calls NTL with some crap...


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