Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Are the sources available somewhere else than on your computer?

And/or could you post the log?

Which version of Sage are you currently using, and which version(s) will
be used at the workshop?


> On 30/07/16 19:09, Simon King wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Once more I got the impression that "internal changes that don't
>> require a
>> deprecation" broke the software that is an important part of my
>> research.
>> When trying to build the old-style version of my modular group
>> cohomology spkg, I now get:
>> pGroupCohomology/resolution.c:279:28: fatal error: struct_signals.h: No
>> such file or directory
>>  #include "struct_signals.h"
>> So, first question:
>> - Why is it trying to include struct_signals.h? In the non-published spkg
>>   version on my laptop, there is
>>      include "cysignals/signals.pxi"
>>   Is this why Cythonization results in the inclusion of struct_signals.h?
>>   Anyway, the string "struct_signals" does not appear in the spkg's
>>   sources.
>> Second question:
>> - Why is struct_signals.h not found? It is in fact in
>>   $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cysignals/struct_signals.h
>> Hopefully I can get the software running again, and soon -- a relevant
>> workshop in Oberwolfach is starting Monday.
>> Best regards,
>> Simon
>> PS: I still try to break the SPKG into modules, rewriting everything
>> based on upstream sources that have thoroughly changed their API. The
>> attempt to switch from a self-contained old style package to modular
>> new style packages has been a desaster for my productivity.

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