Well, here's what i tried and it doesn't seem to work after I build sage 
again. I added this code to the to_sage() function, 
            elif cls_str == "Divide":
                self_Div = self
                div_Numerator = macaulay2('numerator self_Div')
                div_Denominator = macaulay2('denominator self_Div')
                div_Numerator = div_Numerator.sage_polystring()
                div_Denominator = div_Denominator.sage_polystring()
                sage_Div = div_Numerator/div_Denominator
                return sage_Div

I added this after the main else statement. The code looks like rubbish to 
me but I didn't know what else to do, so i thought I'd show something and 
ask for improvements, if that's okay... When running the following code now 
in Sage, here is my error message:

sage: macaulay2.eval("""
....: K = toField(QQ[zet]/(zet^8 - zet^7 +zet^5 - zet^4 +zet^3 -zet + 1))
....: A=matrix{{zet^1,0},{0,zet^14}}
....: needsPackage "InvariantRing"
....: G=generateGroup({A},K)
....: P = molienSeries G
....:  """)


| zet 0                                |
| 0   -zet^7+zet^6-zet^4+zet^3-zet^2+1 |

        2       2
Matrix K  <--- K



{| 1 0 |, | -zet^7-zet^2 0     |, | zet^7 0                             |, | 
zet^7-zet^6-zet^3+zet^2-1 0     |, | -zet^7+zet^6-zet^4+zet^3-zet^2+1 0   |, 
| zet 0                                |, | -zet^6-zet 0     |, | zet^5 0   
     |, | zet^2 0                        |, | zet^6 0                       
  |, | zet^7-zet^5+zet^4-zet^3+zet-1 0     |, | zet^4 0          |, | -zet^7
+zet^5-zet^4-zet+1 0     |, | zet^3 0            |, | -zet^5-1 0     |}
 | 0 1 |  | 0            zet^3 |  | 0     zet^7-zet^5+zet^4-zet^3+zet-1 |  | 
0                         zet^6 |  | 0                                zet | 
 | 0   -zet^7+zet^6-zet^4+zet^3-zet^2+1 |  | 0          zet^4 |  | 0     -
zet^5-1 |  | 0     -zet^7+zet^5-zet^4-zet+1 |  | 0     zet^7-zet^6-zet^3+zet
^2-1 |  | 0                             zet^7 |  | 0     -zet^6-zet |  | 0 
                       zet^2 |  | 0     -zet^7-zet^2 |  | 0        zet^5 |


         2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14
1 - T + T  - T  + T  - T  + T  - T  + T  - T  + T   - T   + T   - T   + T
        2          3    4    5    7    8           2           2    3    4
 (1 - T) (1 - T + T  - T  + T  - T  + T )(1 + T + T )(1 + T + T  + T  + T )

Expression of class Divide

sage: G = macaulay2('P').to_sage()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/saad/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/all_cmdline.pyc in 
----> 1 G = macaulay2('P').to_sage()

in to_sage(self)
   1151             elif cls_str == "Divide":
   1152                 self_Div = self
-> 1153                 div_Numerator = macaulay2('numerator self_Div')
   1154                 div_Denominator = macaulay2('denominator self_Div')
   1155                 div_Numerator = div_Numerator.sage_polystring()

in __call__(self, x, name)
    242         if isinstance(x, six.string_types):
--> 243             return cls(self, x, name=name)
    244         try:
    245             return self._coerce_from_special_method(x)

in __init__(self, parent, value, is_name, name)
   1379             except (RuntimeError, ValueError) as x:
   1380                 self._session_number = -1
-> 1381                 raise_(TypeError, x, sys.exc_info()[2])
   1382             except BaseException:
   1383                 self._session_number = -1

in __init__(self, parent, value, is_name, name)
   1374         else:
   1375             try:
-> 1376                 self._name = parent._create(value, name=name)
   1377             # Convert ValueError and RuntimeError to TypeError for
   1378             # coercion to work properly.

in _create(self, value, name)
    431     def _create(self, value, name=None):
    432         name = self._next_var_name() if name is None else name
--> 433         self.set(name, value)
    434         return name

in set(self, var, value)
    318         ans = Expect.eval(self, cmd)
    319         if ans.find("stdio:") != -1:
--> 320             raise RuntimeError("Error evaluating Macaulay2 
code.\nIN:%s\nOUT:%s"%(cmd, ans))
    322     def _object_class(self):

TypeError: Error evaluating Macaulay2 code.
IN:sage1=numerator self_Div;
OUT:stdio:13:7:(3): error: no method found for applying numerator to:
     argument   :  self    (of class IndexedVariable)

It's certainly a different error message from what I was getting before 
when I tried this, but i don't know what it means. 

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