On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Harald Schilly
<harald.schi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:17 AM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But if there were a contributor agreement I
>> could give the Sage project permission to copy / use my code under its
>> license without explicitly putting my name on it
> The problem here is very simple: which legal entity would be on the
> opposite side of such a CA? There is no standalone-NPO behind SageMath
> ... and placing a related organization like the University of
> Washington behind it, just begs for introducing many issues :-)

I didn't know there wasn't one.  I thought maybe there was, just as
there is also SageMath, Inc. (and yes I'm aware of the strife over the
naming of that and am not looking to revisit it :)  I sort of blithely
assumed there was also a SageMath Org. behind, well, sagemath.org :)

> PS: years ago I had the idea to start a small npo for sagemath over
> here, but that kind of never worked out (i.e. you require a bunch of
> dedicated people to actually run this, etc.)

IIUC that's partly what the NumFOCUS [1] organization exists for--it
bears the overhead of running an NPO that projects (like Sage, though
not currently including) can use for legal and fundraising purposes.
I'm not saying Sage should necessarily join NumFOCUS--that's above my
pay grade.  Just saying if there were interest in such a thing it
would be one place to look.

Anyways, as it's been pointed out (which I did know) one doesn't need
to explicitly add a copyright notice to any work they create.  I just
wasn't sure if it was for some reason *necessary* to include the
copyright notice as part of the GPL notice.  If not then I'll just
omit it (the copyright notice, not the GPL) and I wash my hands of it


[1] http://www.numfocus.org/

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