Thats the expected output since 1 is not in the domain:

sage: f.domain()
(0, 1) + (1, 3) + (3, 4)

You probably want

sage: g = piecewise([[(0,1),x], [[1,3],2-x], [(3,4),x-4]])
sage: g.domain()
(0, 4)
sage: g.plot([0,4])

On Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 12:06:27 AM UTC+2, paulmasson wrote:
> Since the SageMathCell server has been updated to Sage 7.2, I've been 
> experiencing issues with piecewise functions. For example, define a simple 
> saw tooth with
> f=piecewise([[(0,1),x],[(1,3),2-x],[(3,4),x-4]])
> The endpoints appear to be defined just fine,
> f.end_points()
> [0, 1, 3, 4]
> but if I evaluate f(1) I get this message:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-1-3e93894c0576> in <module>()
>       2 #show(plot(f))
>       3 f.end_points()
> ----> 4 f(Integer(1))
> /home/sc_serv/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/function_factory.pyc
>  in new_f(ex, *args, **kwds)
>     400         new_args = list(ex._unpack_operands())
>     401         new_args.extend(args)
> --> 402         return f(ex, *new_args, **kwds)
>     403     return new_f
> /home/sc_serv/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/
>  in __call__(cls, self, parameters, variable, value, **kwds)
>     447             if value is not None:
>     448                 substitution[variable] = value
> --> 449             return self.subs(substitution)
>     450 
>     451         def _fast_float_(cls, self, *args):
> /home/sc_serv/sage/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in 
> sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.substitute 
> (/home/sc_serv/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:27845)()
>    4883 
>    4884         return new_Expression_from_GEx(self._parent,
> -> 4885                                        self._gobj.subs_map(smap, 0))
>    4886 
>    4887     subs = substitute
> /home/sc_serv/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/
>  in _subs_(self, subs_map, options, parameters, x)
>     228             if domain.contains(point):
>     229                 return subs_map.apply_to(func, 0)
> --> 230         raise ValueError('point {} is not in the 
> domain'.format(point))
>     231 
>     232     @staticmethod
> ValueError: point 1 is not in the domain
> Adding decimal points to the endpoints to coerce them to float values 
> doesn't fix the problem.
> Sage 7.2 includes that is supposed 
> to fix problems with symbolics. Am I missing some new behavior or is this a 
> bug?

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