> Consistency is a definitive plus, as well as not impeding
> introspection. So I would tend to agree to officially phase out
> properties from the public API.
> There is one use case for properties in the public API though which I
> would like to bring up, namely "glorified methods".
> ...

Yes, this is a good example of where such syntactic micro-magic can be a
very pleasant experience for the user. I think the cases of properties
that both Jeroen and Erik are arguing to allow are exactly things like
this. It seems that possible doc-issues can be managed, more or less.

So I concede that the rigid stance of officially disallowing all
properties would be "asking for trouble". Perhaps a more realistic
stance is something like:

[ ] Rule of thumb: don't use properties, except if there is a clear,
    syntactic benefit that presents a logical exception (to the "method
    default") for the user. Properties should particularly be avoided if
    exceptions could be thrown or heavy computation performed.

OK, so that's not perfectly well-defined either, but at least things
like MPolynomialIdeal.basis should be method'ized by this rule, as
should the list of properties in the recent AsymptoticRing class (e.g.
summands, growth_group, coefficient_ring, ao.).

Going back to Matrix, I would argue that Matrix.T, Matrix.H, etc. also
fall for this rule. Certainly, Matrix.I does.


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