Hi Nicolas,

On 2016-04-14, Nicolas M. Thiery <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr> wrote:
> So now we have (at least) the following proposals:
> 1. a decorator applying to the full docstring
> 2. a markup applying to everything below in the docstring (e.g. .. OPTIONAL:: 
> gap)
> 3. a markup applying to a single block of code
> 4. just the current line-by-line markup
> Not sure how to choose. At this point I lean more toward a markup: the
> additional features of the decorator are only tentative at this point,
> and I have the impression that the decorator requires more
> infrastructure and is less flexible.
> Simon: would you have a sample file of yours where you could
> experiment with markup's 2. or 3 (even if they don't do anything for
> now) and report which seems more practical as a documentation writer?

The only optional Cython module that I created is in

In the next few days I certainly won't have the time to do experiments
with markups, but it may be something for my TODO list.

Best regards,

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