On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 2:56 PM, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:
> On 2016-04-11 14:29, Erik Bray wrote:
>> Don't advertise an interface as stable and then move it around
>> between X.Y releases without a deprecation process.  Sage-the-library,
>> or much of it, is grown up enough (in terms of stability) that it
>> should definitely be doing this.
> Of course we should be doing this, and in many cases we actually do. We have
> a 1-year deprecation policy in Sage. Still, it's easy to forget this and
> some people might be unaware.
>> Enforcing this should be part of the
>> release manger's job (but everyone should help by being vigilant).
> I cannot speak for the current release manager, but I certainly wouldn't
> want to check every merged ticket to check for things which should be
> deprecated.

I have done this as release manager of Astropy.  It's no doubt very
time consuming to check every merged pull request, though I do have a
checklist for what I check for, and urge other maintainers with
merge-to-master rights to go down it as well.  Some are better than
others about this and I'm more likely to scrutinize some commits more
closely than others depending on the committer's past history of
checking the policies :)  Also some automated checks are put in place
which really help.

Anyways, it helps to be able to *pay* someone to do this grunt work...
:)  It's definitely a lot for a volunteer to do.


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