On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 4:22:04 PM UTC-8, João Pedro Cruz wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to output results with the following code:
>         if MEGUA_PLATFORM=='sagews':
>             fullpath = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 
> self.unique_name()+'.tex')
>             salvus.file(fullpath)
>         else: #MEGUA_PLATFORM=='commandline'
>             fullpath = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 
> self.unique_name()+'.pdf')
>             print "exlatex module: open pdf file",fullpath
> and this code is inside a module and "MEGUA_PLATFORM" got value in a 
> configuation file.
> How to import "salvus"  identifier to use salvus.file() into some module ?
The usual would be "import salvus". Is your issue that this command may 
fail if MEGUA_PLATFORM!='sagews'?
You could just put the "import salvus" line directly above 
"salvus.file(...)". That only has a slight runtime penalty for being 
executed multiple times.
If that penalty is too high (I doubt it would be), you can just do the 
import one time, guarded by an "if":

    if MEGUA_PLATFORM=='sagews':
        import salvus

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