On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 2:35 AM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 4:54 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 4:44 AM, parisse
>>> That's probably the reason why Maple,
>>> Mathematica and Matlab are commercial softwares: people doing the boring
>>> work want to be rewarded for that. And you can not expect to be rewarded by
>>> the math community, most mathematicians don't care about software
>>> production, about opensourceness, just look how the scientific editors make
>>> money with the work of mathematicians and scientists in general.
>>> I don't know if the opendreamkit will succeed doing the boring work, but I
>>> believe there are several obstacles: the proposed salaries, the career
>>> perspectives, the code long term support...
>> I agree.  You can tell what ODK is supposed to do by looking at the
>> grant materials, which has precise deliverables and timelines.  It's
>> lots of exciting non-boring work that got them the grant.  ODK impact
>> will be very positive for open source math software, but won't solve
>> the hugely important "boring work" problem you mention above.
> It won't outright solve the "boring work" problem, but it will help
> with it.  For example, one of my main goals (I think) is to improve
> the Windows experience.  I've already made some headway on that--I'm
> close to having a one or two click installer for Sage on Windows.
> Granted it involves a lot of overhead (Docker).  But in the
> longer-term I intend to put a lot of work into fully native Windows
> support--the "boring" work that mathematicians don't want to do (but
> that's exciting to me as a software engineer in search of a challenge
> :)

I hope that you take the approach of refactoring and extracting value
from Sage, in way that makes everything much more usable to the
Python/open source community.    A perfect example of this is Martin
Albrecht's recently launched


If you could do something like that -- with native Windows support --
for many parts of Sage (e.g., the preparser would be easy), then you
would lay a strong foundation for native Windows support, while at the
same time making the useful/tested/debugged things we've done with
Sage more widely useful.   It's boring work, doesn't make Sage any
more functional, and definitely doesn't result in research papers.
But I think it would be very valuable.

> That said, ODK is only funded for so much time, so while it will
> enable progress it's not a fully long-term solution.  If SMC can turn
> a profit (where I use "profit" in the loose sense of generating more
> cash than is spent on it) I hope its backers will see a case for
> putting more money back into Sage and related projects in the long
> term so that we can continue to improve the user experience.

Thank you for your support.  This is *exactly* the plan, and evidence
suggests that there is a nonzero probability of success.

 -- William

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William (http://wstein.org)

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