On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Jayamine A.
<jayamine.alupo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I read the whole conversation to get an idea
> It is about server side(we can call it developers side).
> 1) check the accuracy of each function/method
> 2) check the time for each function/method
> Is there other opinions about client side testing?


I apologize if I don't fully follow the context to this thread, but I
saw the mention of performance testing, in particular in the context
of regression tests, and I thought I would bring up a project Mike
Droettboom developed called airspeed velocity, which is a nice simple
package for tracking performance of tests over time:


One writes very simple tests (often just one or two liners) and asv
records the time taken to run that test and/or the memory usage (and
in principle other statistics could be plugged in).  Obviously the
benchmarks are very machine-dependent too, so each benchmark tries to
include metadata about the platform.  So the best way to use it is
have some dedicated machines, whose hardware doesn't change that
often, run the benchmark suite continuously.  It outputs the
benchmarks to a JSON file that can be kept under version control and
used to update the generated benchmark history.  You can see a sample
of Astropy's benchmarks here:


It has already proven itself several times to be very useful at
catching noticeable performance regressions.  Might be worth a look
(disclaimer I worked on this project a bit too, but have no financial
incentive for promoting it etc. etc. :)


> On Friday, February 26, 2016 at 12:49:32 PM UTC+5:30, Clemens Heuberger
> wrote:
>> On 2016-02-26 04:50, Jayamine A. wrote:
>> > But when we are dealing with clients(users) we need both.(My opinion)
>> That was basically my opinion in the thread
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sage-devel/ojHqBy7oUVU/discussion
>> Clemens
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