On Wed, 24 Feb 2016, kcrisman wrote:
As to the substance of Nathann's comments, most of this is really an
argument about the GPL, or rather about how many of the potentialities
in the GPL are acceptable to a given community around a GPL product.
Nathann is not only one thinking this. But at least Brendan McKay has gone
to opposite direction, as some might remember: "- - Due to the legal
nonsense that large package distributors need to worry about, it has
proved too much trouble to maintain an idiosyncratic licence. I didn't
change my opinion about military use, but - -".
* * *
About the naming issue: Is it possible to open a company called
"SageComp", "SageCalc" or something similar? I meant that the **name**
'Sage' is not a real private property of Stein. Or would not be according
to laws of Finland, but I don't know about other countries.
Jori Mäntysalo