On 2016-02-23 17:10, Nils Bruin wrote:
> sage: R.<t>=QQ[]
> sage: 2^t
> the latter gets evaluated by making coercing 2 into R and then trying to
> raise to an element of R (which fails). Should we even be trying this? I
> would think most valid cases of exponentiating are covered by actions.

Yes, we should try this, e.g.
  sage: 2^RIF(1.01,1.03)
would fail otherwise.

Note that almost no __pow__ uses indeed coercions; they use only
conversions. E.g.
  from integer.pyx, L 1907:
        except TypeError:
            s = parent_c(n)(self)
            return s**n
Thus, finding a common parent is not tried at all. Due to conversions
ugly things like
  sage: 7^(Zmod(3)(2))
are possible.


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