On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 10:42 AM, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's what
>>     # long time
>> is supposed to be for.
> I don't think so. You wouldn't want to see a doctest take one hour to
> run, even if it is flagged with 'long time'. I don't know about you,
> but I run 'long' doctests several time per day on some files.
>>> The same happens for some doctests that rely on optional LP solvers:
>>> they can take <1s with CPLEX/Gurobi, but 'standard sage' (with GLPK)
>>> cannot be expected to ever solve them.
>> So if a user tries to use them they will be effectively broken?
> Broken? Why? They do return the expected output, they only do it very
> very slowly (and perhaps not at all) when you don't have "one of
> several solvers" installed. When you do, it can be instantaneous.
> Thus, it is probably better to not test them every time somebody types
> 'make ptestlong'.

There is no place for tests that cannot be automatically run somehow
in our test suite.   Absolutely any instance of this whatsoever is a
shortcoming in our test suite that we should *plan* to find a way to
address.  (I'm of course not saying we should delete/change everything
right now.)

If you have tests that take too long, then we need another tag "# really long".
If there are tests that create git branches or have other "undesirable
side effects", then get better at writing tests that properly run in a
sandbox that addresses such side effects.


William (http://wstein.org)

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