> On Oct 21, 2015, at 8:42 PM, Michael Welsh <yom...@yomcat.geek.nz> wrote:
>> On 22/10/2015, at 0819, Christian Nassau <nas...@nullhomotopie.de> wrote:
>> On 21.10.2015 21:11, John H Palmieri wrote:
>>> The latest beta version of Sage should build on OS X 10.11. It has a 
>>> serious limitation: you can't move the installation once it has been built. 
>>> I don't know if anyone is working on fixing this, or on a proposed stopgap 
>>> (http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19410) which basically forces the Mac 
>>> installation (when you do "sage --bdist") to be in a particular directory.
>> I might be inclined to put some work into the #19410 (which I proposed), if 
>> there were some sort of consensus that this is the way to go (i.e.: forbid 
>> relocation, use a fixed install diectory). I'm more or less a complete Mac 
>> newbie and got started on this issue purely out of idle curiosity - I'm not 
>> at all sure whether experienced Mac users agree that this solution a) will 
>> work and b) is the right one.
>> Cheers,
>> Christian
> IMO, this solution will work, but is not the best one. An installer that 
> allows the user to select the installation directory (which is then fixed) is 
> a better idea.

> I don't move apps around very much, and I can't think of any time I've moved 
> one after having the installer ask me where to install it (the ones I can 
> remember moving are TeXLive, which installs its apps in some subsubfolder, 
> and old iWork, when the same thing happened).

The issue, IIUC, is that it has to be installed in the same path as it was 
built in.  So just having an installer won’t change anything.  Rather, the user 
should _not_ be allowed to change the installation directory.

> I'm not a fan of /Applications/sagemath-$version, as then upgrading causes a 
> new folder to be made, which will break any aliases/dock shortcuts.

If it’s not in a versioned folder, then you can never have more than one 
version of sage at a time.  I don’t know how important that is to people.

The app itself is capable of pointing to any installation, so maybe we _should_ 
change how the app is installed.  Namely, the app itself could be put anywhere 
but would _not_ contain the sage install itself.  This would be moved to a 
specific location (namely the same place it was built) by an "installer", and 
Sage.app would be updated to point to it.  OTOH, I’m not sure this is actually 
any better since if the user doesn’t have root privileges they would be able to 
install the app, but not Sage itself—which seems suboptimal. :-)

I’ve been pretty busy at work, but I can probably scrounge some time to work on 
this portion once we know what we want to do.


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