In #19391 i am trying to move the method .invariant_generators() to 
libsingular. It works on the non modular case, but for the modular case, we 
need to call singular's invariant_ring function. This function returns 
three matrices, and we need the first two. But if i call it through 
libsingular, i only get the first one:

sage: from sage.libs.singular.function import singular_function
sage: import sage.libs.singular.function_factory
sage: sage.libs.singular.function_factory.lib('finvar.lib')
sage: inring = singular_function('invariant_ring')
sage: F=FiniteField(2)
sage: R.<x,y> = F[]
sage: m1 = matrix(R, 2, [0,1,1,0])
sage: inring(m1)
[x + y   x*y]

If you do the corresponding call within singular:

                     SINGULAR                                 /  Development
 A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations       /   version 
 by: W. Decker, G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann     \   Aug 2013
FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern        \
> LIB "finvar.lib";
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/finvar.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/algebra.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/ring.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/primdec.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/absfact.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/triang.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/random.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/poly.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/inout.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/general.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/elim.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/matrix.lib 
// ** loaded /home/mmarco/sage/local/share/singular/nctools.lib 
> ring r=2,(x,y),dp;
> matrix A[2][2] = 0,1,1,0;
> matrix P,S,IS=invariant_ring(A);
> P;
> S;
> IS;

How can i get these three matrices through libsingular?

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