(Miguel's post follows)

On 2 October 2015 at 14:50,  <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> What you say is pretty much correct, but something must be added.
> Solving the word problem (that is, testing equality) is not only very hard: it
> is an undecidable problem in general. That is: there can't be any algorithm
> that determines if two words correspond to the same element of an arbitrary
> finitely presented group. So "implementing a decent __eq__" is an impossible
> task.
> There is some hope though. It is impossible to solve the problem in general,
> but there are some techniques that can be succesful in many cases (and i guess
> most of the cases you would be interested in fall in this lucky category).
> As you said, computing a normal form is a harder problem than testing
> equality... but most of the techniques that can be used to attack the word
> problem happen to be based on some kind of normal form. So, even if in theory
> the normal form problem is harder than the word problem, in practice almost
> always the solution for both problems come together: either we are able to
> compute a normal form, or we are unable to decide equality.
> The case of cyclic groups that you mention is a very easy one. They are 
> finite,
> abelian and have a very simple confluent rewriting system. Every possible
> techinque to solve the word problem works immediately. That is why, if you
> delegate the equality to gap (which is what happen when the hash does not
> distinguish), it is able to determine if two elements are the same or not.
> But as I said, that is incidental. It happens because we are dealing with very
> simple presentations, and the basic reductions that gap does internally are
> enough to distinguish the elements. If, for instance, we would present the
> same groups with a more complicated presentation, it could happen that those
> simple reductions wouldn't be enough to correctly distinguish the elements.
> In general, it is not a good idea to use the structure of a finitely presented
> group if you need to accurately distinguish elements. If that is your case,
> and you group allows any other way to be represented (PermutationGroup,
> AbelianGroup, MatrixGroup...), it is a much better idea to do so: in those
> structures equality testing is trivial (in fact you have a unique canonical
> form of each element), whereas in the finitely presented group theory it is
> undecidable.
> I hope i clarified things a bit.
> Best,
> Miguel

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