On Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 4:19:40 PM UTC-5, Nils Bruin wrote:
> On Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 11:57:45 AM UTC-7, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
>> Hey,
>>    You need to make sure the order of the variables agrees:
>> sage: A = QQ['t']
>> sage: B = A['x','y']
>> sage: C = QQ['t', 'x','y']
>> sage: C.coerce(B.0)
>> x
> That's a bug in sage. It's completely canonical in sage where names should 
> be coerced, and it goes by name. Not by index number. The variable order in 
> C should not matter in whether sage can figure out the coercion. 
>> The reason the order is important is say you have QQ['x,y'] and 
>> QQ['y,x'], should the coercion be index to index or name to name?
> Sage firmly defines this: the coercion is by name.
> sage: U=QQ['x,y']
> sage: V=QQ['y,x']
> sage: U.0+V.1
> 2*x
> sage: parent(U.0+V.1)
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
> sage: parent(V.1+U.0)
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in y, x over Rational Field
> (as you can see, in this case there are coercions in both directions which 
> is a little unfortunate)
> (Although I'd advocate for multivariate polynomial rings to sort their 
>> generators upon creation so that QQ['x,y'] is QQ['y,x'] in the sense of 
>> python.)
> That's a bad idea: names have mathematical significance in sage as far as 
> coercion is concerned. If you can't rely on the order of the names, then 
> you don't know the mathematical meaning of R.0 as far as coercions to other 
> rings are concerned. Another reason to preserve given order in variable 
> names is that the order of the variables matters for monomial orderings: If 
> you want to get elimination orders in place, it's nice to know that the 
> order of the names of your variables is determined by what you type in.

Ah, that right... I knew there was something with the indices being fixed. 
Sorry for the noise.


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