Hello guys,

I write this post to alert those who know the code and could do something
about it.

As you know I study graph theory, and I have to go out of my comfort zone
rather regularly. These days, it led me to define products of rings and run
some computations of them (mostly additions). The performance of the
objects I build are so bad that I simply cannot work with them, and so I
will have to reimplement manually the feature that they claim to provide

Just look. This is the time it takes to build the addition table of
(Z/2Z)^8 (contains 256 elements) when you define it through products:

    sage: x = IntegerModRing(2)
    sage: x = cartesian_product([x,x])
    sage: x = cartesian_product([x,x])
    sage: x = cartesian_product([x,x])
    sage: %time x=x.addition_table()
    CPU times: user 48.4 s, sys: 32 ms, total: 48.4 s
    Wall time: 48.4 s

This is a joke.

I wouldn't know how to write the general code, but given that an addition
in (Z/2Z)^8 is a xor CPU instruction I know that I can do better in this
situation. I don't see how we could convince anyone to use Sage with
timings like that.


(*) and perhaps include those codes in a file somewhere in graphs/, which
is even worse.

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