The relevant number is RSS, not virtual memory (really: addressing space). 
Virtual memory includes mmaps that don't actually use ram. Docbuild 
effectively uses about 2GB RSS.

On Monday, September 28, 2015 at 1:02:11 PM UTC+2, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> I did a little experiment to see how much memory the docbuilder needs. I 
> did this for a single-threaded operation. I measured the smallest value 
> N such that ( ulimit -v N; make doc ) works, after make doc-clean. 
> In Sage 6.8: 2700000 
> In Sage 6.9.rc0: 2800000 
> So Sage needs almost 3GB of (virtual) memory to build the documentation. 
> This is really bad, but it didn't get much worse recently. 
> Jeroen. 

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