On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 11:39 PM, Jori Mäntysalo <jori.mantys...@uta.fi> wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Sep 2015, William Stein wrote:
>>>> 1) Should we include symbols in docstrings? I.e. add \otimes to
>>>> ordinal_product() of posets, as used in Enumerative combinatorics?
>>> IMHO, yes. They are nicely rendered in the html documentation, either in
>>> the notebook or in the reference manual pages.  The only trouble is of the
>>> course the ?-help in the console mode, but this seems a minor issue since we
>>> may assume that most users understand LaTeX.
>> This is a questionable assumption.  Numerical most users of Sage are
>> undergraduates, and most undergraduates don't know about LaTeX.
> True. On the other hand, how many undergraduates use Sage from command line?
> This is a real question. Personally I always start to play with notebook,
> and then write a .sage if needed; I use command line only when developing
> and even then usually to check something. (Strange - for other things I use
> command line very much.)

I think it is *highly* unlikely that undergraduates use Sage (or
anything) from the command line.  In my own surveys, most undergrads
never touch the command line.

> ...and hence I totally forget the command line usage. Maybe it is not
> meaningful to add a symbol just for showing what symbol is usually used.

You have a very good point.

>> The mission statement of Sage is also to be a viable alternative to Maple,
>> Mathematica, Matlab, and Magma, and those systems definitely aspire to be
>> undergraduate friendly.
> True. And there has been few suggestions that would be good for that end.
> Like hiding TESTS-parts with foldable html manual and so on. And having an
> index of functions by topic, not by technical implementation with some codes
> in categories/* and most elsewhere... (yeah yeah, was already rejected.)

Sounds like great ideas.

I can't believe TESTS is still not foldable!? Woah -- that was the
plan like 8 years ago and it's not done.  Oops.


William (http://wstein.org)

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