Can someone please clarify: How is the following supposed to work?

sage: Sx.<x> = ZZ[]; Sxy.<y> = Sx[]; Sxyz.<z> = Sxy[]
sage: p = 1 + x*y + x*z + y*z^2
sage: P = p.integral(x)
sage: from sage.misc.derivative import multi_derivative
sage: multi_derivative(P,(x,))

In my understanding it cannot work because P has the innermost ring
over ZZ replaced with one over QQ, having a different generator.
Consequently, multi_derivative should complain because its argument
x is still the generator of Sx.

I'm asking because there are doctests depending on the (perceived)
wrong behaviour (ie., that multi_derivative() does not complain) and which
trigger with some experimental code.

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