> > 
> >(Richard)  While it is tempting to add every possible tool to Sage, 
> thinking out of the 
> > box can be productive. 
> > 
> > (one answer:  there is a bootstrapping problem if you have to have a 
> working 
> > Sage in order to build a working Sage.) 
> (William)One answer to what?  Huh? 

Oh, sorry, I edited out a snarky paragraph there, and should have either 
a tendril of it or edited out more.

Here's the question, roughly.  Why not put everything  (make, config, 
compilers etc into python,
and have one huge unified Sage system in which there is a command "make me 
a new Sage system".
(There were/ maybe still are?  some systems of that nature in the Lisp 

So now you can read the answer.

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