Hello everybody,

I am rather ignorant of Sage matters when it comes to finite fields. I have
been playing with matrices for a while, working around a bug that I did not
understand. It is now solved, but here is what it boils down to:

    sage: K1 = GF(4,'w')
    sage: K2 = GF(8,'x')
    sage: K2(K1(1))
    TypeError: unable to coerce from a finite field other than the prime

Observe that the code works if K1 and K2 both use the same variable *name*.

While this behaviour is probably justified I, as a beginner, just needed to
be told that both variable names should be the same. If somebody feels that
this could be made clearer somehow, that could save time for the next
person who will meet the problem (which was in my case hidden under layers
of matrices).

Note also that Matrix.base_extend has no documentation.



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