2015-09-14 20:24:01 UTC+2, Thierry:

Some few ideas i planned to work on for a while: 
> - random testing : the current random doctests uses a single seed, so we 
> do 
>   not get any more information when the doctests are run. We could 
>   also have some truly random tests that, for example, test the 
>   associativity in groups from random_elements. The more they are run, the 
>   stronger Sage is. Then we could have som VM that only runs those random 
>   tests while changing the seed each time. 
> - deploy builder virtual machines for more distros/architectures as i did 
>   for Debian/Ubuntu. We can think of something cleaner than 
>   http://sagebuilder.metelu.net/ for example something based on vagrant. 
> - explicit the release tests, and implement them as scripts, for example 
>   (some release ideas come from a discussion with Jeroen): 
>     - Sage must build and pass tests on a particular set of configurations 
>     - try various combinations of optional packages 
>     - compile Sage with some user and run it from some other user 
>     - check the permissions of the files 
>     - check if the source code has some bare 'except:' statements 
>     - compile the pdf documentation to discover ill-formatted LaTeX 
>       formulas 
>     - check if openssl is up-to-date (before each official realease) 
>     - ... 
>     - more generaly, write a test script for each problem that once 
>       appeared on sage-release 

Happy to help too.

One extra thing we could do is have some machines
(or virtual machines) running Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, ...
and testing that installing the SageMath packages for
those distros (PPA and similar) works. We could launch
them and interactively test a few basic things such as

    sage: 1+1
    sage: plot(x^2)
    sage: plot3d(lambda x,y,z: x^2+y^2+z^2)
    sage: range?

and also run automated long tests.

Some links related to SageMath in various Linux distros:

arch-linux: sagemath package, maintained by Antonio Rojas


Fedora: sagemath package, owned by Paulo César Pereira de Andrade (pcpa)


RPM package manager: sagemath package


Ubuntu: sagemath ppa, by AIMS-team


Debian: might be worth making a .deb package for SageMath,
as this comes up every so often on ask-sage, sage-support,

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