On 22 June 2015 at 22:12, Eric Gourgoulhon <egourgoul...@gmail.com> wrote:

In order to avoid any confusion before some solution is found, we have
updated the download page <http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/download.html> to
tell that it is no longer possible to install SageManifolds atop of the
sagemath Ubuntu package from the PPA.

Best wishes,


Hi Eric,

We now have an updated 6.8 in the *dev* version of our PPA
(ppa:aims/sagemath-dev) with two packages

1) sagemath-upstream-binary
2) sagemath-upstream-binary-full (also depends on (1) )

where full again contains the src, git, etc. folders. It should support
optional packages again. While it is a bad idea to install files and
especially to compile as root in a apt-managed folder like
/usr/lib/sagemath. But this gives you some time to make a better plan, or
for us to have a sagemath user own that folder; which won't stop people
running sudo sage -i anyway. The apt-managed files are less of an issue as
sagemath already changes/moves files at first startup when fixing hardcoded
path of the install, and we run that first sage call as root in the
postinst script of the deb package from the PPA. So that is already broken.

To test these before we copy them to the stable PPA,

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:aims/sagemath-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sagemath-upstream-binary-full

to revert go

sudo apt-get purge sagemath-upstream-binary-full
sudo apt-get install sagemath-upstream-binary=6.7ppa23
sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aims-sagemath-dev-trusty.list{,.disabled}


  /V\     Jan Groenewald
 /( )\    www.aims.ac.za

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