On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, 25 May 2015 20:17:49 UTC+1, William wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just curious -- is this intentional?
>> 1. Build sage.
>> 2. Type "./sage -bdist ..."
>> 3. Extract the resulting tarball elsewhere
>> 4. Type "make" inside the extracted directory.  BOOM!  Total disaster.
> Has it ever worked?

Yes,  because the first version of "sage -bdist" was a 1-liner that
just tar'd up the exact installation.  Then we kept removing things to
save disk space...

My unusual, but I think a very important, basic design principle with
sage binaries was that it was *super important* that one could do
development with them.  The idea is that a person would play with Sage
(as a user), then with minimal effort switch to doing some development
and contributing.  This has clearly been completely lost in the
current binaries.   It's also been lost in SageMathCloud -- but I hope
to get it back there (e.g., there could be a link the output of a
docstring or source code of a function in a worksheet, which would
setup a dev environment, and get you going editing that very

> IMHO nothing beyond 'sage -b' worked in this case...
>> It starts by trying to download tarballs from the internet, etc...
> this is certainly worse than it was.
>>  -- William
>> --
>> William (http://wstein.org)
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William (http://wstein.org)

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