On 10/05/15 06:58, Nathann Cohen wrote:
>> Just confirming that this conversation has been had before - can you think
>> of places where we might advertise this more boldly?  We certainly had
>> places we updated doc but maybe you can think of others, Nathann?
> I do not think that this is an advertising problem. Not when 'log,
> sin, cos' are symbolic and all of a sudden max_symbolic and
> min_symbolic go by a different name. Does that different standard make
> sense to you?

Yes. I do not want a slow down with max(1,3) because it is a symbolic
function. You can compare

sage: from sage.functions.other import factorial as symb_fac
sage: from sage.rings.arith import factorial as arith_fac
sage: timeit("symb_fac(20)", number=2000)
625 loops, best of 3: 3.27 µs per loop
sage: sage: timeit("arith_fac(20)", number=2000)
2000 loops, best of 3: 1.51 µs per loop


sage: timeit("cos(2.0)", number=2000)
2000 loops, best of 3: 12.5 µs per loop
sage: timeit("(2.0).cos()", number=2000)
2000 loops, best of 3: 9.53 µs per loop

Secondly, I think that we should not override any Python builtin.
Otherwise people will have python files that will behave differently
from the console/notebook. And this is dangerous (there is already a lot
of troubles with Python int versus Sage Integer).


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