> It is definitely a bug in the dimension method.

could you open a ticket and post the link here?

Am Sonntag, 3. Mai 2015 15:25:13 UTC+2 schrieb mmarco:
> It is definitely a bug in the dimension method.
> If singular can handle the ring, sage asks singular to compute the 
> dimension, which does correctly (the -1 is the singular convention for 
> empty varieties).
> The problem is that when the field is not supported by singular (which 
> happens with QQbar or finite fields of characteristic bigger than 2^31) , 
> then sage falls back to its own toy implementation. In that case, it 
> appears that the empty case is not treated separatedly than the zero 
> dimensional case.
> El viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015, 21:18:55 (UTC+2), gjorgen...@my.fit.edu 
> escribió:
>> Hi,
>> For the following ideal, dimension() returns 0,
>> {{{
>> R.<s0,s1>=QQbar[]
>> I=R.ideal([ s0 + 1, s0*s1 + s0 + s1 + 1, (-2)*s0 + 1, (-10)*s1 + 5, 
>> 5*s0^2 + 10*s0*s1 ])
>> I.dimension()
>> }}}
>> but its variety is empty.
>> Also for any other ring, dimension() returns -1 for this ideal. Is this a 
>> bug with dimension()? The documentation for dimension() doesn't seem to 
>> mention the -1 case. 
>> It provides the following example,
>> {{{
>> R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(GF(2147483659),order='lex')
>> I = R.ideal([x*y,x*y+1])
>> I.dimension()
>> }}}
>> which yields dimension 0 for the ideal, yet the corresponding variety is 
>> empty.
>> What is the expected behavior for dimension()? When the variety of the 
>> ideal in question has no points is dimension() always supposed to return -1?

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