On Apr 29, 2015, at 08:15 , Nathann Cohen wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> In #18289 [2], Volker is improving the Notebook interface by making
> some objects be automatically plotted by __repr__ [1]
>    graphs.PetersenGraph() # this graph is plotted
> or
>    P = posets.ChainPoset(10) # no plot
>    P # here, P is plotted
> So far he only implemented it for graphs (with <20 vertices), but more
> objects should be added to the list. For instance:
> - Posets
> - Finite State Machine
> - Permutations (?)
> - Crystals (?)
> Basically everything that has a .plot() command can appear there. I
> expect that you would like some trees to be plotted too. Like
> DyckWords, or something.

I'm not in favor of having plotting done by __repr__ automatically, for the 
reasons others have mentioned.

Justin C. Walker
Network, n., Difference between work
charged for and work done

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