I have a short chunk of Sage code that I am running from the command line.  
It produces errors with newer versions of Sage, but works as intended with 
older versions (producing a graphics file).  Of about 20 such chunks, 3 
appear to be failing.  Is this a known problem?  Should I make a ticket?  
Any ideas or suggestions?

(These are produced automatically, which is why some parts look bit odd, 
but it also means they are consistent in many ways.)  Facts follow - I can 
provide more if needed.

/sage/sage-6.5.beta6/sage firstlook02-newton-cooling.sage svg

CRITICAL:root:unknown notebook: None
Error, notebook must be one of default, ipython, sagenb but got None

import sys
suffix = sys.argv[1]
f(x) = 28.6 * exp(-0.0725 * x) + 70
p = plot(f, (x, 0, 50), ymin = 55, ymax = 110, thickness=2, aspect_ratio=0.4
, axes_labels=['$t$','$T(t)$'], fontsize=18)
plot_idp37915040 = p
except ValueError:

Fails: 6.4 (Linux), 6.5.beta6 (Linux), 6.4.1 (Mac)
Succeeds: 6.0, 6.2, 6.3 (all Linux)

Linux testing is on built-from-source (unsure about Mac binaries).

The following very similar file succeeds with a similar invocation:

import sys
suffix = sys.argv[1]
t = var('t')
f(x) = 2*x*(1 - x)
v = plot_slope_field(f, (t,-2,2), (x,-2,2), headaxislength=3, headlength=3, 
axes_labels=['$t$','$x$'], fontsize=18)
plot_idp38572272 = v
except ValueError:

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