On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 10:08 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > The best outcome would be to have a true "how do I do *** in Sage"
>> > document
>> > that keeps being updated;
>> A small remark: in combinatorial designs and graphs the anser to "How
>> do I build ***" is rather well answered by graphs.<tab>,
>> digraphs.<tab>, designs.<tab>. It gives a nice entry point for the
>> functions that "build something", and from there the classes/functions
>> doc is sufficient in our case.
>> Of course I have no idea how that applies for other fields. But I
>> would not be surprised if we could simply remove the groups/codes
>> entries of the construction manual, after checking that all that it
>> says can already be found through the groups.<tab> and codes.<tab>
>> objects.
> You are assuming that the only target audience of the constructions guide is
> a person actively using an interactive Sage session, but that is not the
> only target audience.   Google searches, especially from people who might
> have never heard of Sage, are a big target audience for the constructions
> guide.
> I definitely would encourage you to do the above though and make sure
> blah.<tab> is as good as possible.
> By the way, yesterday at the Sage booth at the Joint Math meetings somebody
> walked up and said, "can you use Sage to enumerate the groups of order 16?"
> For a group theorist, this is a very natural basic question.     I tried
> groups.[tab] and found nothing useful.  I tried searching the sage reference
> manual and couldn't figure it out.  I then of course googled for GAP and
> that sort of question, and found how to do it directly with GAP and did.
> However, I could not figure out how to convert a gap group back to Sage.

Depends on the group:

sage: G = gap("DihedralGroup(4)")
sage: G.sage()
NotImplementedError: Unable to parse output: Group( [ f1, f2 ] )
sage: G = gap("SymmetricGroup(4)")
sage: G.sage()
Symmetric group of order 4! as a permutation group

> And I couldn't figure out how to list the elements of a GAP group.    So I'm

I didn't know either but after G.<tab> I looked for a command involving either
List or Element and found AsSortedList:

sage: G = gap("DihedralGroup(4)")
sage: G.AsSortedList()
[ <identity> of ..., f1, f2, f1*f2 ]

> definitely not so happy with the group theory functionality in Sage, or at
> least its documentation.

I don't know about David Kohel but it would not bother me if our paper
"Group theory in Sage"
was included in the Sage documentation.

> Remember, this was all in front of an impatient *potential* Sage users, so I
> don't get 20 minutes to try to figure out each thing -- if I can't in 1
> minute, we lose.
> I don't even know if there any group theorists at all that use Sage...

I'm guessing most group theorists deal with infinite groups or modular
representation theory (or both) and Sage does not implement those
via GAP.

> Anyway, an ideal entry in the constructions guide would be "How do I
> construct a list of all groups of order 16?"

The simplest explanation would be to use the small groups database
which can be installed into Sage, but it is not open-source licensed.

>  -- William
>> Nathann
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> William Stein
> Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org
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