On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Vincent Delecroix
<20100.delecr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> 2014-12-04 9:54 UTC+01:00, Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de>:
> (posted on sage-support)
>> Hi Vincent,
>> On 2014-12-04, Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> sage: M = matrix(RR, [[-1]])
>>> sage: abs(M)
>>> -1.00000000000000
>>> So the problem is with abs(M). The reason is that abs(M) is calling
>>> the method M.__abs__(). The latter one is just a shortcut for the
>>> determinant. I really do not understand why and it looks like a bug to
>>> me.
>> No, see discussion on sage-devel.
>>> For comparison, in scipy the same function just return the matrix
>>> where each entry is replace with its absolute value. Which is much
>>> more natural...
>> ... which *is* a bug, IMHO.
> Nope as in scipy matrices are considered as array (e.g. exp(m) applies
> exp to all of the entries and is not the exponential of the matrix).
> And the reason for that is numerical analysis.
> I agree that Sage point of view on matrices is rather different.
>>> I opened a ticket for that:
>>> http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17443
>>> It should be corrected in the next stable release.
>> Better not. Expecting abs(M) to return the matrix formed by the absolute
>> values of matrix M is a misuse. Generally, matrices in Sage are not
>> considered to be arrays. Hence, element-wise operations generally don't
>> seem natural.
> All right, but in that case I would prefer that there is no __abs__ at
> all. What about deprecating its usage and later on return a ValueError
> ? I found it very misleading, and I am not the only one.
>> The standard notation for abs(x) is |x|, and if M is a matrix then it is
>> relatively common to write |M| for its determinant, which justifies that
>> use of abs(M) for that purpose (although M.det() would be clearer).
> This is completely crazy!

I understand why you find this surprising.  I would have no problems
deprecating this use of abs on matrices.  I just don't think it should
be elementwise abs.
> Vincent
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