> With which money? 

Funding money. If that is not allowed formally, convince funders. 
In fact, in particular cases active testing was already done by some Sage 
which (I do not know this) probably were not explicitly paid for that task. 
There is money for travel, why not for QA? QA is inherently natural for 
software development.
For example, we could find out, how reliable some routines are (otherwise, 
how to know?),
or how effective are the used development process policies:

The error rate (crash or incorrect result) for primary decomposition in 
recent Singular version
should be down to about 1 per 200.000 examples (I' stressing these routines 
at the moment)
The error rate for algebraic geometry related computations in polynomial 
rings over integers (e.g. groebner, intersect, syzygies...)
should be much worse. Go figure! Or look at the bug reports in the 
bugtrackers (Singular,sage).
In fact, std() over integers in Singular is broken for years.
A serious question: did someone who uses them not notice? And if not, why?

I suggest to think about offering bounties for new reported bugs 
and spend 10  to 30 percent of funding money for QA related tasks -
there is a rule of thumb that for three developers one tester is needed.
To some noticeable extent QA happens during the ticket review process, but 
I doubt
that reviewers stress the routines with random input and compare the 
results of different implementations.


Am Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014 11:28:01 UTC+1 schrieb Jeroen Demeyer:
> On 2014-10-24 18:09, Jakob Kroeker wrote: 
> > I suggest Sage to pay QA staff for actively hunting bugs. 
> With which money? 

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