
Consider the following Sage session:

sage: a = RR(-1)
sage: b = 1.000000000000000000000001
sage: a + b
sage: a._add_(b)

Here, the coercion model makes the output less precise than what is possible: a + b first reduces the precision of b, rounding the value to 1. This is not needed, since the _add_() of RealNumbers actually works for RealNumbers of different precision.

I don't know how relevant this issue occurs in practice, my concern is just theoretical and was motivated by thinking about #15260 and #2034.

To improve this situation, one could introduce the notion of "compatible" parents: parent(x) is compatible with parent(y) if there exists a coercion from parent(y) to parent(x) and x._add_(y) may be called without changing parents.

To implement this, we should add a method is_compatible(self, other) on Parents (which a default of "return False") and then changing have_same_parent() to have_compatible_parent(), calling this is_compatible() method if parents are not equal. Alternatively, this could probably be implemented using actions. The rules about choosing a common Parent for the result do not change.

One possibly annoying consequence would be that _rsub_ and _rdiv_ methods will be needed on Elements of Parents implementing is_compatible(). This is because a._sub_(b) would return an object with a different Parent as b._rsub_(a).

At first sight, the only Parents which would benefit from this are floating-point Parents with different precisions.

Any objections about this proposal?


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