As an indication that the Sage output was the correct one, you can add the line

sage: exp(a)

and see



On 3 October 2014 01:28,  <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I appreciate any help that I can get with this question.  Thank you in
> advance.
> I've been converting some of my algorithms that wrote using Sage into C.  I
> noticed that it appears that MPFR and Sage do not match when taking
> logarithms of certain values at arbitrary precision.  As an example,
> consider the following lines in Sage:
> RR = RealField(1000)
> x = RR(.001)
> a= log(x)
> When I do this, Sage says that:
> a=-6.90775527898213705205397436405309262280330446588631892809998370290271782903205744070799161526879489502590335212685874590022857639524842026999886210729634506844872162497666404253139968447869959558518051592689613319788653849009866686309465966023963100242321272982309546514680294481817443885821320066631
> When comparing to MPFR, if I run the attached code in the command line (that
> I believe does the same thing as above) using
> gcc -Wall -W -Werror logs.c -o logs -lm -lmpfr -lgmp
> ./logs
> The output of the program is:
> -6.90775527898213703123729265233140770652732943274746853066220338998698620110531195719818129463092278351819792580811173018723242118875465470783068399942176413540835294300881628169088830077469356711717015036454074809229573906590734510694077140442685761387606643232451253919766892057408972733372702726501595
> When comparing the digits though, it appears that only around the first 16
> or so digits are the same.  To see this, I put the value that Sage returns
> against the value that MPFR returns on top of each other and highlight where
> the digits start to disagree in red:
> -6.90775527898213705205397436405309262280330446588631892809998370290271782903205744070799161526879489502590335212685874590022857639524842026999886210729634506844872162497666404253139968447869959558518051592689613319788653849009866686309465966023963100242321272982309546514680294481817443885821320066631
> -6.90775527898213703123729265233140770652732943274746853066220338998698620110531195719818129463092278351819792580811173018723242118875465470783068399942176413540835294300881628169088830077469356711717015036454074809229573906590734510694077140442685761387606643232451253919766892057408972733372702726501595
> Does anyone see why the values would be so much different?  I thought that
> Sage called MPFR to find these values.
> Thanks,
> Rick
> P.S. I'm using Sage version 5.12, gcc version 4.7.3, and as far as I know
> I'm using the newest version of MPFR.
> --
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