On Thursday, 28 August 2014 18:13:10 UTC+2, R. Fourquet wrote:
> > or to constrain argument types, e.g. 
> > myfun{T}(a::Poly{T}, b::Poly{T}) = a+b # a and b must be Polys of the 
> same type 
> which is better expressed as : 
> myfun{P<:Poly}(a::P, b::P) = a+b 

Thanks. I've figured this one out since.

In my code I actually have

myfun{T <: Ring}(a::Poly{T}, b::Poly{T})

a lot. Is there a shorthand for this?

> So a better example: 
> myfun{T}(a::Poly{T}, b::Monomial{T}) = ... 

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