> A <: B either tells you if a type A is of abstract type B or if abstract 
type A is of abstract type B.
> So, whether or not you use RingElement or Ring depends on whether you 
> consider an element of ZZ to be a ring element or whether you think the 
> integers ZZ form a ring.
> With the machine types, we really want a :: T where T <: Integer <: Ring. 
> Again with the baremodule idea, we might be able to do this, but it's not 
> possible if you use the standard provided modules, as far as I can tell.

I guess to me the only names that would really make sense would be 
ZZElement <: RREelement <: RingElement (or else rename the builtin types to 
something else: it's "Integer" that's not the same of a set!! Rename it 
Integers and everything makes sense). Anyway, I probably need to learn to 
think differently about this.

I do wonder about one thing. Since it is not possible in Julia to have 
instances of abstract types, and you have ZZ <: RR with the possibility of 
doing ZZ(3) as well as RR(3), does it mean that you've created 
supplementary concrete types, say ZZ_concrete <: ZZ and RR_concrete <: RR 
or similar, together with a bunch of constructors to hide everything?

If so, I find this quite complicated. Here good old OOP treats this much 
more elegantly. But perhaps I am mistaken?


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