On Thursday, 21 August 2014 10:58:36 UTC+2, Harald Schilly wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:54:35 AM UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:
>> Oh what a shame I missed the party. And I don't have time to read all the 
>> wonderfully eloquent nonsense in this thread. 
> So, since we both are the only remaining hangover crowd, I've one last 
> question about Julia:
>> But I think Julia is good for a few years yet. It's one of the few truly 
>> 21st century programming languages available.  
> All your arguments center around technical arguments: speed, efficiently 
> maintenance of "exponentially" growing complexities in codebases, etc. 
> Those are without question desirable properties. What's missing for me is 
> the other side for the actual humble user of this. 
> Python's roots are in ABC (which does not stand for abstract base classes, 
> but for the effort to produce a human friendly programming language as a 
> basic successor). Does Julia have such goals?

I think it manifestly  does. Julia was inspired by Lisp, Python and a third 
language that I forgot. The syntax is very pythonic, where the language 
doesn't fundamentally deviate from the paradigm python belongs to. I would 
say I'm far more productive in Julia than I could be in Python. It makes 
easy things easy, intermediate things intermediate and difficult things 
feasible. Python does not do this. Many difficult things are nearly 
impossible in Python and many intermediate things are very hard.

Second question is about multi-dispatch, and goes in the same direction: 
> Given I have an object behind x, is there a x.[TAB] which lists me what I 
> can "do" with it? 

Yes. Note the dot notation is not used in Julia. It uses a different 
paradigm (multi-methods, not classes). The Julia approach is much easier 
and far less restrictive than the usual OO paradigm. 

Given a type A I can do methodswith(A) and it will list all methods that 
use type A *anywhere* in their prototype.

But the focus in Julia is usually on functions, not objects. So it is more 
usual in practice to be writing methods(A) where A is the name of a 
*constructor* for a type (usually also called A). The constructor for A is 
a generic function with numerous methods, and methods(A) will give you a 
short list of methods that can be used to construct A (which usually won't 
have A at all in their prototype -- unless you count the return value -- 
yes, it would appear explicitly in the prototype in Python and implicitly 
in the prototype in C++, but not in Julia which doesn't overload on return 

> Or does this playful way of discovering functionalities work differently? 

It does. But it is extremely practical.

There's also an online help system baked right into Julia. So you can get 
help on any function, method, type, etc. And this is generated 
automatically, though you can add your own documentation to that system 

It's also trivial to extend Julia's assistance to the user in whatever way 
you like. One of my favourite things is the ability to be able to overload 
the show method for any given type and any given value of any type. Doing 
the former will change the way the type is displayed. E.g.

julia> R, x = PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x")
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over ZZ,x)

Note that the type R is really Poly{ZZ, :x} in Julia's notation. But we 
overload the show method to display ("Univariate polynomial ring in ", 
string(:x), " over ", ZZ).

And the polynomial x would usually be displayed as Poly(2, 2, 
0xa56c4856727f0a40). We overload the show method to display "x".

I personally think Julia dominates most other languages entirely. I would 
certainly include Python in that. I can't think of a single feature of 
Python I would miss in Julia, including easy to use syntax. 

Some languages I think that aren't completely dominated by Julia are Rust, 
D and Nimrod, and to some degree C++, though it certainly completely 
dominates more areas of C++ than those other languages.

When I say "some languages" I'm only referring to languages with imperative 
syntax. There are functional languages that aren't strictly comparable.
Note, Julia is not some obscure unheard of language. It gets 150,000 visits 
a month to its website. And it is gaining popularity rapidly. There are 
already hundreds of user contributed packages for Julia (which by the way 
you can download into any Julia session connected to the internet by typing 
Pkg.add("name of package").

I doubt it would be this popular if it had awkward syntax.

Take a look at my Nemo documentation and see if you feel comfortable with 
the syntax:


Note that Nemo is Julia, in the same way as Sage is Python. There is no 
preparser used in Nemo.

Julia is not the best possible language for computer algebra. I list some 
of the issues I have with it in my nemo.pdf above. But the Julia developers 
are actively thinking about some of those. It's even possible that Julia 
will always suffice and I'll not need to finish writing my own language. 
There are a couple of things which I consider to be fundamental design 
decisions in Julia which I think make it impossible to get the best 
possible performance. But the Julia language designers have rebuffed me on 
that point, stating that they don't consider them to be fundamental design 
decisions at all. They are indeed looking at ways of at least mitigating, 
if not removing those performance deficits in later versions of the 
language. We'll see. I know how hard it is, because I've done some of those 
things in my own toy language. Writing languages is very hard and can take 
decades to get right.


> -- H

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