None of these arguments make any sense. If you want to run a local server 
with sage, you are very welcome to use the sage notebook that is 
distributed with sage itself. Also, this thread should definitely not be in 

On Monday, August 18, 2014 7:45:36 AM UTC+8, Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby 
Microwave Ltd) wrote:
> I think the whole closed source nature is likely to restrict the takeup of 
> Sage for several broad groups of people when they realise that to get high 
> performance they are going to need to store sensitive material on a Linux 
> server they don't control.
> As a 50 year old engineer I have worked at three institutions who I know 
> would not want to put workbooks on a server outside their institution.
> a) Ministry of Defence - no way.
> b) Airbus - no way. They are very strict on security.
> c) Marconi - most unlikely.
> 1) Many commercial companies are not going to be so keen to put 
> commercially sensitive material on a server they don't control. 
> Interlecural  property is valuable company asset. 
> Suddenly buying distributed licenses for Mathematica is more attractive 
> from a security point of view. At least Wolfram Research can't look at what 
> you are doing.
> 2) Military users are very unlikely to start working on something on a 
> distributed system they can't totally control.
> 3) Some academics,  especially those working on mathematics in areas they 
> know UW specialise in, would perhaps no want to put worksheets on a server 
> they know prying eyes will see. Why let someone else look at what you are 
> working on and possibly beat you to publish a paper?
> 4) Some individuals are just paranoid and will not use a distributed 
> system they don't control.
> No doubt HTTPS will be used to encrypt data in transit.  Maybe worksheets 
> are stored in an encrypted format on disk. But at some stage the data going 
> to be in plain text.
> Has anyone working on SageMathCloud ever considered that certain users 
> would not want data stored in a manner they have no control over? 
> Dave.

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