in GF(2)xGF(3) addition is about 50 times (!) slower than in GF(7).
sage: c=cartesian_product([GF(2),GF(3)])
sage: %timeit c((1,1))+c((1,1))
10000 loops, best of 3: 67.5 µs per loop
sage: d=GF(7)
sage: %timeit d(1)+d(1)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.44 µs per loop

This makes it next to useless for serious computations.
How could one speed it up?
Profiling the code will tell you that most time is spent in taking the
tuple apart and putting it back on again, finding the parents,
all in plain Python...

Should one have a dedicated cartesian_product_of_finite_rings or
something like this?

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