Thank you,Kcrisman.
> I am so sorry that I did not ask my question clearly, but luckly you 
> understand most of my question.
> The link to publication that use sage is great.
> I do hope sage can have a lot of packages like R.
> It seems that sage focus on pure mathematics more than application.I do 
> not find some module such as neural network.
This is true in Sage proper, but luckily there are many Python packages as 
well that do many applications.    For example, "pybrain" and "conx" seem 
to be good things to check out.  And then you can use them within Sage as 
well as standalone.   The idea is that Sage does the mathematics and 
related packages can join modeling to it - though we would not object to 
modeling!  For instance, "brian" is an optional Sage package.

- kcrisman

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