I didn't get such answer as you got,my Sage factor 2007193456621 correctly.
N.factor() returns 1001797*2003593.
Did you use an old version of Sage?


John Cremona <john.crem...@gmail.com>提到:

>I noticed an announcement on the flint-dev list which led me to try
>this, and indeed we have the bug:
>sage: n=2007193456621
>sage: n.is_prime()
>sage: n.factor()                 # !!!!!!!!!!
>sage: pari(n).factor()
>[1001797, 1; 2003593, 1]
>sage: n == 1001797 * 2003593
>See flint-dev for more details, but this seems serious enough to
>report here too.  I do not understand why Sage fails to factor n since
>the documentation says that pari is the default, and pari can factor
>this n (as above), however:
>sage: n.factor(algorithm='pari')
>sage: from sage.rings.factorint import factor_using_pari
>sage: factor_using_pari(n)
>[(1001797, 1), (2003593, 1)]
>so something is going wrong before pari is getting called, perhaps a
>primality test?
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