Salut Bruno,


> Now comes my question, which is basically: How to introduce this new
> code into Sage?

Did you already opened a ticket on trac for that?

> More specifically, the "roots()" function is defined in
> rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx where a selection of algorithm
> is made. If I understand correctly, for a polynomial over ZZ (be it
> sparse or not), the selection goes through the condition
> "K.is_integral_domain()" (line 5799) and then the roots are computing
> using "_roots_from_factorization" (line 5809). There, factoring the
> input polynomial is (in my cases) hopeless due to its degree.
> What I'd like to do is to branch a new algorithm there. So my more
> specific question: Where should the new algorithm go? A solution may be
> to have somewhere a specific code for the sparse polynomials over ZZ,
> and there put a a function roots(self,multiplicities=True) to avoid
> going into the "big" roots function from
> rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx.

Right now there are several implementation for polynomials with
integer coefficients... but only a very generic one is sparse. I guess
a first start would be to add your implementation directly in
"Polynomial_generic_sparse" in
sage/rings/polynomial/ There is no much
data structure in a polynomial so it will be easy to switch from one
place to another.

Maybe, somebody might have a better idea here.

> I have side questions, which may improve my code (or my tests):
> - S.random_element() for S a sparse_polynomial ring return by defaut a
> degree-2 polynomial. For sparse polynomials, wouldn't it make sense to
> return a polynomial of "high" degree (to be determined) but with "few"
> nonzero monomials? Again, I have a code for that that I can include.

It is possible to add extra arguments for random_element. In that case
max_degree,  density (a number between 0 and 1), distribution would
make sense. That can be an independent prerequisite ticket "Improve
random generation of sparse polynomial".

> - How exactly is stored a Sparse Polynomial? I tried to follow the
> "__init__" functions but I was unable to finally understand the real
> representation of these objects. I suspect this is a dictionary (or
> something approaching) with the keys being the exponents and the values
> being the coefficients. In such case, what is the fastest way to access
> these elements?

Just have a look at the code of
polynomial/ You see that self.__coeffs
is a dictionnary. But the code is rather old and, as far as I know,
not much used.

> - The algorithm I implemented uses some auxiliary functions that are not
> of real interest outside the algorithm. How should I do to avoid this
> functions be available for the users?

Just do not import them in the global namespace. If they belong to
some module in sage/rings/polynomial this is just fine.


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