Hello all,

Let me just to explain what happens in GAP. The gap.ini file 
which may be created with `WriteGapIniFile`  and then adjusted accordingly 
to user preferences, has the following lines:

##  Maximal bit length of integers to 'view' unabbreviated. 
##  Default is about 30 lines of a 80 character wide terminal. 
##  Set this to '0' to avoid abbreviated ints.

# SetUserPreference( "MaxBitsIntView", 8000 );

Moreover, this is only for viewing - if you will call `Print`, all digits 
will be printed properly.

Best wishes,

On Saturday, May 31, 2014 5:35:21 PM UTC+1, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
> First encountered by Ralf on #15625, Sage can't translate back from GAP 
> with eval for extremely large numbers:
> sage: ans=gap.eval("Lucas(%s,%s,%s)[1]"%(1,-1,100))
> sage: ans
> '354224848179261915075'
> sage: ans=gap.eval("Lucas(%s,%s,%s)[1]"%(1,-1,100000))
> sage: ans
> '<integer 259...875 (20899 digits)>'
> although this does work for 
> gap.Lucas(1,-1,100000)
> Is there someway we could translate the eval() output back into a Sage 
> integer? Also more generally, should we keep using gap.eval() in Sage code 
> or gap.explicit_function()?
> Best,
> Travis

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