On Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:01:24 PM UTC+1, kcrisman wrote:

> As another example, in attempting to review one patch which relies upon 
> the new Maxima update

The git branch contains the entire code, so automatically has all 
requirements. You don't need to know where the maxima update comes from to 
use the branch.

> : where that is, one cannot learn easily from git log, since 
> $ git log | grep maxima | less
> $ git log | grep Maxima | less

The git log is not a plain text file, its a directed acyclic graph. There 
is much more useful information in it than any possible linearization. More 
complicated than mailing patches? Sure. Why? Because mailing patches around 
doesn't work at that scale.

> $ git log | grep 13973

$ git log build/pkgs/maxima     # see which commits actually touched maxima
commit 33417fa92057fc7ef1cf52e301b9b73a2d5c2a83
Author: Peter Bruin <p.br...@warwick.ac.uk>
Date:   Fri May 16 11:33:00 2014 +0100

    Trac 13973: upgrade Maxima to 5.33.0

Although Peter thought that the commit was for #13973 when he wrote it, 
that need not be the ticket that actually made use of the commit and pulled 
it into Sage. We check:

# git trac find 33417fa92057fc7ef1cf52e301b9b73a2d5c2a83
$ git trac find 33417fa92057fc7ef1cf52e301b9b73a2d5c2a83
Commit has been merged, but not into a released version.
commit 6220027f174e01ae252f277acb3a75de7053239c
Merge: a3c4cf3 a130eed
Author: Release Manager <rele...@sagemath.org>
Date:   Sun May 25 11:20:54 2014 +0100

    Trac #13973: Upgrade Maxima to 5.33.0
    This is a continuation of #13364, and aims at including more upstream
    bug fixes, which e.g. fix an
    issue reported on sage-support],
    which was reported as Maxima bug
    [https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/2535 2535], and marked there as
    closed in post-5.29.1.

I don't know why the description of a ticket is ending up in the log.  We 
> want a description of what actually was done, and the description in the 
> ticket is often full of brainstorming etc.

Its up to you (the ticket author/reviewer) to make the description fit the 

 For instance, for this one I guess I need to first do #13973, and then 
> somehow add #13712 on top of it

No. For reviewing #13712 (say) you only need to get that branch. Batteries 
are already included. If it doesn't work then that is a negative review.

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